Coach List |
Lewis LAM
Sporting Highlights and Awards:
2000 - 2004 Hong Kong National Team Triathlete
2001 and 2003 Represented Hong Kong in Asian Triathlon Championships
2006 Grass-Root-Development Coach Award
2007 Champion in Hong Kong ITU Triathlon Asian Cup Age Group 25 - 30
Hong Kong Triathlon Association Level One & Two Coaching Certificate
Hong Kong Life Saving Society Award of Merit
Hong Kong Life Saving Society Pool Aquatic Leader Rescue Award
Working Experience:
Worked as triathlon and swimming coach since 2003
Worked as triathlon coach in Hong Kong Triathlon Regional Squad Team since 2005
Worked as triathlon coach in Titan Triathlon since 2003
Wilton House School
Leo MO
Sporting Highlights and Awards:
2001-2004 Hong Kong Triathlon Association - National Squad Athlete
Hong Kong Sports Development Board - Scholarship Athlete
Hong Kong Swimming Coaches Association - Level 1
Hong Kong Triathlon Association - Level 1 Coaches Certificates and Level 2 Race Official Certificates
International Personal Trainers & Fitness Academy - Bronze Professional Personal Fitness Trainer
Hong Kong China Bodybuilding Association - Level 1 Certificate of Coaching
First Aid, Adult CPR and AED Certificates - Hong Kong St. John Ambulance
Working Experience:
2003 to Present - Professional Swimming and Triathlon Instructor
Coaching in Regional Squad - Hong Kong Triathlon Association
IVE Athletic Trainer Team - Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education
Coaching in Hang Seng School of Commerce
Coaching in S.K.H. Wei Lun Primary School
Research Assistant - Hong Kong Sports Institutes Physiology Units
Part-time Staff - Hong Kong Elite Athlete Association and Hong Kong Sports Development Board
Event Sub-Committee Member & Race Official - Hong Kong Triathlon Association
Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education - Higher Diploma in Sports Management and Training Science